LEADMatch: The tool that is going to take your business to the next level
Measuring Direct Mail Campaigns
Lots of businesses are still successfully running direct mail marketing campaigns. Many people wrongly assume that print mail campaigns are no longer effective, but this marketing method offers a lot of benefits! As a part of the benefits you get with Kennickell’s Direct Mail + package, LEADMatch will allow you to track exactly how many leads you were able to convert with which each direct mail campaign. Check out more information on Direct Mail +.
Building a Mailing List of Website Visitors
Say a potential customer is surfing your website to determine whether or not to use your services. They may not need your services right now, they may get busy with something else and not follow through with their purchase, or they may decide against you for some reason. Regardless of why they click out of your website, you want to be able to market to those people once they leave! LEADMatch is able to collect information about the people who visit your site, allowing you to build a mailing list of website visitors that may still be in need of your services. This information includes their names, addresses (for direct mail), and e-mail addresses (for e-blasts) so you can make sure you’re marketing to people who are interested in your product or service!
How LEADMatch Works

Get Started Today!
You could be converting hundreds of leads with LEADMatch right now! Call us or fill out a contact form now to get started turning your website traffic into happy customers.