The Kennickell group is proud to announce the newest addition to our pressroom. The KM-1e, 23”X 29” sheet fed digital inkjet press. What does this mean for our clients? In short: better quality, faster deliveries, and reduced costs. This is a truly revolutionary addition for the company and our clients will start to benefit right away. With digital inkjet comes:
- No more press checks, the proof we send you is the actual finished product
- Exceptional quality, inkjet exceeds anything we can produce on an offset press
- Fully variable data, we can change images and messages from one sheet to the next
- Reduced mailing costs, we can print and address mailers at the same time and at high speeds
- We can print and address 18,000 Direct Mail Letters per hour with no need to use pre-printed
letterhead shells - Our digital Inkjet press can print on Plastics, Styrene and Synthetics up to a 24 point thickness
- Perfect bound books are printed in page order, so no collating needed, saving time and money
- “Print on demand” now makes economic sense for even larger multipage documents
- Reduced energy and paper use: no plates, no make ready time and no wasted paper
The New “Print on Demand” Model
Perhaps you have a 48-page brochure and your annual usage is 20,000. Most companies would like to print in smaller quantities than a year’s supply. They want to do this so they don’t have financial resources unnecessarily tied up in inventory (boxes of brochures), and also because of the risk of a change being needed thus making what is left obsolete. However, due to the cost per piece, it was hard to justify doing smaller runs on a digital press. On most digital presses the cost per piece could easily be four to five times more expensive than the cost to run all at once on an offset press.
With inkjet presses, which run much faster than digital toner presses, you could decide to run a few thousand at a time of this brochure and keep the cost per piece around the same as offset. With an inkjet press we can run a thousand of these brochures before the make ready is complete on an offset press. No more concerns about future changes, and no more cash tied up in inventory.
You might be unfamiliar with inkjet technology, and we think there is a reason. Only a few hundred of these presses are installed in the country and with the investment being $1 million+ not every print provider can move to this technology. It is the future of printing, and we are happy to offer it to our customers.
Our Global Fulfillment Network Delivers Like No One Else Can

Fast Project Setup
The Kennickell Group’s system has been carefully crafted to ensure our partners have an easy experience starting new projects and managing existing accounts.
Secure File Transfer
The Cloud offers our clients a more secure host platform for the transfer to anywhere on the globe. We see it as one less thing for you to worry about.
Delivered On-Time
We demand regular, strict, top-tier scheduled delivery ratings of all our networks affiliates. We set the standard, and do what it takes.
Let's Get Started

Improve Efficiency and Reduce Cost.
The Kennickell Group Printing company in Savannah GA is one of the few printing and distribution companies in America to offer a full Content Distribution Management System. Unlike other CDMS systems, our proprietary fulfillment program allows editing, modifying, and publishing content as well as tracking inventory levels and activity 24/7 from a central online interface. It is one of the most sophisticated systems in the entire industry and provides our customers the ability to see the inventory and usage of their publications in real-time in the blink of an eye. By relieving your company from the day-to-day responsibilities of managing your print inventory we enable you to re-allocate your resources to your core business, thereby freeing up valuable time and costs that were associated with the management of this inventory. Moreover, Kennickell will help you identify historical trends to accurately forecast usage and provide additional cost savings. Clients using our system have significantly improved their efficiency and reduced costs. Our direct mail and fulfillment center is more than 80,000 sq. ft. and is managed by a dedicated staff of professionals with years of experience. Kennickell’s fulfillment accuracy is rated among the best in the United States with orders being sent out on time and to the correct address 99.7% of the time. Preserving the Environment with Actions, not Words.
Why Us?
Kennickell’s management is completely committed to product development and implementation, continual improvement, the fulfillment of customer needs, quality policy/objectives and a sustainable environment. Evidence of commitment is through daily meetings, monthly associate meetings, management reviews, and acquiring and dissemination of customer feedback. Kennickell is also committed to using paper which can be traced to a sustainable forest. We are also committed to being good stewards of the environment by encouraging the use of these and other recycled papers, recycling 100% of paper products/waste and aluminum plates, and using vegetable-based inks and environmentally friendly products.
Preserving the Environment with Actions, not Words.